Transmen and Pap Smears aaaaahhhh!

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Transmen and Pap Smears aaaaahhhh!

Post by Phelan » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:29 am

I know a lot of guys out there really don't want people down there near those parts and seriously checking them out, but it's part of our basic health care. Well, those of us that are pre-op or for those that choose to not have bottom surgery. So here's some good info for you to check out. Please take care of yourselves! ;) A healthy guy is a happy guy. :D ... ng-people/

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Re: Transmen and Pap Smears aaaaahhhh!

Post by Phelan » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:33 am

Just so you know by the way, yes I do get regular pap smears and breast exams. I do this because of health reasons that run in my family. It's not fun and it kind of awkward but it doesn't last very long. It's quick and they do what they have to do and then leave you be. Generally before hand they ask you a bunch of questions about your sex life and if you have pain, burning, or odd discharges. 10min of your life could save your life. ;) Go for it guys, stay healthy. :D

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