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Wrong Skin pt 1

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:35 am
by greeneggs
I knew at a very young age, this body I had been given, felt wrong to be in
And as i grew I tried to be who I saw but still didnt feel like I belonged in this skin
Deep down, I always knew there was something different about me but at that time, wasnt sure what
Except that I didnt fit in with the girls, got along great with the boys, but when it came time to choosing between me and another boy for a team, I never made "the cut"
I always felt like I was in competition with other boys, I could do anything they could do and more!
But trying to show this off to the girls? They just acted as if i was a bore
They were not impressed by how fast I could run or that I could beat any boy in an arm wrestling match
They werent interested in racing against me or wanting to play catch
All they wanted to do was talk about how the boys were so "hot"
That never interested me though, it was THEIR acceptance I sought
I never felt that I fit in with either sex, though I felt I related more with the boys
I never cared to play dress up or Barbies, never cared for girl's toys
I always hated being referred to as a "girl", "young lady" or even a "female"-those words I could not and still cannot stand
Because inside Ive always known thats not who I felt I was, but saying so, or acting out, was definitely banned-
It wasnt "lady-like" to spit in public, sit with my legs open, or talk too loud
It was better to sit quietly, legs crossed and blend in with the crowd