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Cruelty And I

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:59 am
by JovianDior
hmm, guess the whole thing has just been on cruel joke, and I? Well, lets just say I am, as always, the punch line. As a child I had sisters who would dress me in bikinis and dresses and while I was perfectly fine with it, my parents, were not. The cruelest moment of all I think is the fact that my whole life my parents treated me like a girl. Not so much as in the things they bought me, but the way they talked to me, the way showed affection for me, the way they took care of me. As I got older I began to lean more in the direction of how I was treated and the more I did, the more my parents lashed out at me for not being a man. "How cruel" I tell myself now, looking back on those days. My own parents were confused about who I really am, but their cruelty stemmed from their religious conviction, not to be tested or tried. As I got older I sought earn their respect through an act of desperation, in which I joined the the armed forces. Now here I am, nineteen years of parental hardship, and five and a half years of my life spent getting shot at in foreign countries for one that will never now, understand, or accept me for I truly am. That I think perhaps is the cruelest joke of all, but just as I told myself when I was young, "I will not be broken, I will not be beaten, bloodied or bruised, and I will most definitely not trampled upon by a group of people break their own laws. Since when does one have the right to infringe upon someone else s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.