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Here are a few terms which are important to know.

Definition goes here.
Definition goes here.
Butterfly Woman 
Definition goes here.
Clothing used to cover/hide breast often used by FtM.
The belief and treatment of transgender and/or transsexual people as inferior to cissexual (non-trans) people.
Cisgendered or Cisgender
What you are if the body you were born with and your gender presentation (clothes, mannerisms, etc) are aligned.
Someone who dresses as the opposite sex as they are, either in private or public. Often related to a sexual fetish.
Drag queen 
A male identifying with female/feminine but for whom the female persona is often a show or public display.
Drag king 
Lesbian counterpart of a drag queen
F2M, FtM 
A person who was born a female but transitions to a male.
M2F, MtF 
A person who was born a male but transitions to a female.
Full Time/FT 
Being, living as a Transgendered all the time, at work, at play, 24/7/365
Part Time 
Living as a Transgendered only part of your life, often in hiding or secret (closeted)
Genetic Girl, born female
Gafe, Gaff, Gaffe
Garments/underwear designed to hide/cover/minimize a penis (used by MtF)
Used to describe individuals that do not feel that they fit into either of the binary genders. Usually refers to gender expression rather than physical characteristics such as genitalia. Such individuals may switch back and forth between male and female roles, or combine elements of both roles into an androgynous expression. Genderqueer individuals may or may not consider themselves transgendered, and until recently, were not largely considered ideal candidates for transition by the psychological and medical communities.
Gender fluid 
Definition goes here.
Medication (usually pills or shots) prescribed by a doctor to change hormone levels in the body often estrogen or testosterone.
Born with both sexes, often partial and not complete working organs. Old non-politically-correct term "Hermaphrodite"
Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-TransGender acronym
Pre-Op, Non-Op, Pre-operation 
Before any or no surgeries/SRS done
Post Op, Post, "Post-Operation" 
Has had SRS/surgery(s)
Sexual Reassignment Surgery. Genital re-constructive surgery
Top surgery 
Breast implants (for MtF) or mastectomy (for FtM).
Is an umbrella term that does not have a precise definition. Use tends to include a very broad spectrum of gender-variance. Some individuals may use it in lieu of a more precise term, such as transsexual, because of negative connotations associated with transsexual.
A person who is FtM, born female but identifies as being/is Male.
Someone who has transitioned to the other gender/sex.
Someone who dresses and acts as the opposite gender/sex for exhibitionism or show but not necessarily for personal reasons.
A person who is MTF, born male but identifies as being/is Female.
Trans, Tranny, Shemale, Ladyboy 
terms for Transgendered, sometimes/some countries can be offensive or pornographic in nature but not always.
Transitioning from one gender to another.This can but doesn’t always include surgeries.
Twin Spirit 
Definition goes here.


Some basic history goes here.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care

Formerly the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care.

The Harry Benjamin Standards of Care are the currently accepted standards for medical treatment of transgendered individuals in the U.S.[1]

Medical Treatment

Info about medical treatment goes here.


Current Science

Info about current scientific research into transgenderism goes here.

Cutting Edge

The future of medical treatment may rest in gene therepy. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany and the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) at Mill Hill, UK have discovered a specific gene located on a non-sex chromosome in female mice which if turned off causes cells in the ovaries to convert to cells normally found in the testes. If this line of research could be applied to humans the potental is there for male testes or female overies to self produce the hormone needed for feminization or masculization to occur [1]

Legal Status

Info about legal status of being transgender in various jurisdictions goes here.


Info about how politics affects transgendered people goes here.

What is the Republican party's position on transgender?

What is the Democratic party's position on transgender?

What is the position of other political parties around the world?

Transgendered Parents

Info about transgender parents, their unique issues, etc. goes here.


Info about how religion affects transgendered people goes here.

Alternative Treatments

Info about alternative treatments goes here. We need a big disclaimer here about not advocating any but currently accepted medical treatment, this info is just for comparative/historical purposes.

See Also

If we break this page up or need to link to outside authoritative info, links would go here.


All references which establish the factual nature of a statement made on this page will go here.

  1. "Standards of care for gender identity disorders." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Jul. 2010.


Links to outside, possibly non-authoritative, sources would go here.

  1. TGChatroom
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